Green Cleaning

What Does it Mean to “Go Green?”

The Green Phenomenon: What it Means to Go Green

There are literally thousands of websites devoted to figuring out just what this means, and I’ve come to the conclusion that the most concise definition is:

To go green is to live life in a way that is good for the Earth, whether it be through recycling, reducing consumption, or by using environmentally-friendly products.

My company, Kiwi Services, goes green by using all-natural and quick-drying cleaning products when we clean your carpets, floors, and upholstery. Because it dries quickly, it prevents the growth of mold and mildew, which is obviously not good for your indoor environment. Plus, the all-natural cleaner contains no harsh additives and is safe for kids and pets.

Our green cleaning products are an important part of our company’s culture, and many other companies as well. But how do you go green in your everyday life? I know that I often struggle with this very question myself, so I decided to do some research and came up with some very simple solutions.

The important thing to remember is to not beat yourself up if you slip up. The fact that you’re even making an effort will make just that much of a difference.

Here are some tips to go green in your everyday life:

• If you go to a coffee shop to get your daily caffeine fix, be sure to bring your own mug.

• Switch to a power strip and plug in all of your electronic appliances into it. At night before you go to bed, switch it off completely.
• Turn off the water when you brush your teeth.
• Change all the bulbs in your house to fluorescent light bulbs.
• Hang your clothes out to dry.

• Go meatless once a week with your family meals.
• Use both side of the paper. (C’mon, you know your kids love the scrap paper)
• Buy local.
• Give unwanted wire hangers to the local dry cleaners.
• Recycle old cell phones.
• Ask your boss if you can telecommute once a week (or even permanently. Who doesn’t love to work in pjs?)

• Bring your own bags to the grocery store.
• Make your own cleaning products, or hire a professional cleaning company that uses green products.
• Go thrifting for toys, kids clothes, and weird/ unique/ crazy home decorations. (This is probably one of the cheapest/ most fun ways to spend an afternoon.)
• Sell your old unwanted items on Craigslist/ Ebay/ Amazon
• Turn your old ideas into something new by checking out the DIY section of Pinterest.  (I am obsessed.)
• Recycle! If your neighborhood didn’t supply you with a new recycling bin, then find your nearest recycling center.
• Bring your lunch to work.
• Ride your bike to work or school if you can.
• Call a commuter cab.
• Get your tires checked each month to make sure they’re in good working condition.
• Commit to buying eco-friendly diapers or cloth.

These are just a few simple ideas to get you started. What ways do you go green in your everyday life? I would love to see them in the comment section below.