
How to Clean the Bedroom Quickly

This is the fourth blog in a series on how to clean your home quickly. If you’ve missed the previous blogs, check out: “How to Clean the Living Room Quickly”,  “How to Clean the Kitchen Quickly (In Seven Steps)”, and“How to Clean the Bathroom Quickly.”

We’re all familiar with this common scenario: one of the kids has a study group in a few hours and their room looks kind of like a science experiment or one of our friends tells you about her latest business endeavor and she just has to use your house for all of her demonstrations or any other multiple kinds of possibilities. The point is that you have to have the house clean, and quickly.

I know that your instinct is to panic, but don’t. I know you can handle this.

Today my blog will be on how to clean the bedroom(s) quickly.

Here’s what you’ll need:

– Vacuum
– A large trash bag
– All purpose cleaner/ all-natural vinegar cleaner
– Baking soda
– A hamper
– Mild dish soap
– Microfiber cloth

1.  Grab your trash bag and attach it to your doorknob ( I prefer the trash bags with the handles on them to make this easier.)  Gather all trash in the room and place it in the bag on the door. Don’t take it out until the very end of the process in case you find some trash that’s hiding somewhere.

2. Gather all dirty clothes and place in your hamper. If you have time, start a load of clothes in the washer, but if not, simply place the hamper aside in a closet or place in another room that you know your guests won’t be peeking in.

3. If you’re cleaning your child’s room, spritz all plastic toys with an all-purpose cleaning solution that’s non-toxic or a “greener” vinegar solution.  Leave on for a couple of minutes and then wipe dry with a microfiber cloth. Place all toys in appropriate bins and drawers.

3. Make your bed. Unless you’re having guests stay the night, there’s no need to go to the trouble of washing and drying the sheets and blankets. (We are in a hurry, after all.)

4. Dust off your dresser with a microfiber towel and your all-purpose cleaner. Make sure that your piece of furniture won’t be damaged by the cleaner that you’re using.

5. Hunt around on the carpets to look for stains or spots. If you find any that are small enough to treat, take a teaspoon of mild dish soap and apply directly to the carpet. Take your microfiber cloth and dab in until it forms a small foam. Wet the cloth and then dab until soap is visibly gone. For more extensive stains, you might need to call a professional.

6. Finally, vacuum the room and eliminate all dust, hair, etc. that may be lurking on the floor. Also, remember to take out the trash and sprinkle some baking soda in the bottom of the bedroom’s trash can to deodorize.

What you can do in the future to save time:

– Brush your pets to prevent hair and dust accumulation.
– Make your bed every morning (I swear it’s worth it.)

Do any of you have tips for cleaning your bedroom quickly?