Cleaning, Kitchen

How to Clean Under the Cabinets

I love me some disinfecting wipes to clean my counter tops after handling raw meat. They just make everything shiny while the solution slowly dries. Well, I got a little carried away with wiping everything down that I started to clean the spots on my floor. I semi reverted to college mode and gave a halfhearted attempt to mop the floor with the disinfecting wipes. Then with my face on the floor, I saw the toe kicks under my cabinets.

Clean Under Cabinets
I’m slightly embarrassed to be showing this so don’t judge me.

Gross, I know. What gets me is the half-dead spider things and knowing that my naked toes have been under there. At least I know that the pest control is working.

So without further ado, here is How to Clean Under the Cabinets (without being eaten by dead things).

Step one: Grab the vacuum and suck up crumbs, dead things, and cobwebs if you’re like me.

Step two: Fill a bowl with hot water (as hot as you can stand it) and soap.

Clean Kitchen Cabinets

Step three: Wipe everything in sight, then all of the hidden areas. Wipe down the toe kick and then the underside of the cabinet. I had to use my trusty Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to get those mystery yellow spots.

Do these steps all around your kitchen until toe kicks are sufficiently clean.

How to Clean Cabinets
Eh, not perfect but good enough

Bam, good as new. Now I’m afraid of what’s under the stove, although Husband informed me that it is clean. I’m not quite sure if I believe him.

Happy Cleaning!