DIY Cleaning

Carpet Cleaning Tips For Everyday Use

Easy Carpet Cleaning Tips
Don’t you wish you could keep your carpets factory-fresh?

Although I wish I could prevent all the chocolate, mud, wine, and juice spills that happen on the carpet, that’s just never going to happen. If you have kids, pets, or are just as clumsy as I am, spills are inevitably going to happen.

And while I do recommend that you get your carpets cleaned every few months or so, it’s important to have a few tips and tricks in the back of your sleeve in between carpet cleaning visits.

Ice Ice Baby: Whenever your carpet has gum or candle wax stains, apply a piece of ice over the stain and let it work its magic. Once it has solidified, just gently peel.

Carpet Care Tips

Don’t Want No Scrubs: Don’t scrub or rub your carpet when it’s been stained. Gently dab at it and call a professional carpet cleaning company to clean up quickly.

Degreased is the Word: When your stain is oil-based, try mixing a few drops of waters with a degreaser such as dish washing liquid.

Keep Your Feet Off the Floor: After a carpet cleaning, try to keep your feet and furniture off the floor for at least an hour, to ensure that you don’t track anything in.

Removing Carpet Stains

Make it Quick: When you notice a stain on the carpet, take action immediately! Don’t watch it soak into the floor (like most of us tend to do.)

Be a Vacuuming Fool: The best way to keep your carpets beautiful and sparkling clean is to vacuum high traffic areas twice a week.

Do you have any carpet cleaning tips? I would love to hear some of them in the comments below!